Hi Jake,
I'm pretty sure you can just use the unpacksdcmdir command just as if
you were unpacking from a server. Here is the command line I use:
unpacksdcmdir -src -targ
-fsfast -cfg
Hope that helps,
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Could someone please explai
Can anyone point me to where I could find a mgh gradient file for dti
processing with 6 directions? I am trying to rerun some old data through
dt_recon and the gradient_mgh_dti sequence packs start at 13. Any
Hi All,
I was wondering if there was a flag or command in tksurfer that would
allow me to load a group descriptor file (y.fsgd) using the command
line. I looked through the tutorial and couldn't seem to find anything. I
only found resources for loading a timecourse. This isn't the same thin
I ran a GLM using a 4d skeletonized Fractional Anisotropy volume as my
input into mri_glmfit with one variable. As this analysis is not surface
based, I must open
the results (sig.mgh) using tkmedit as an overlay. My goal is to
open a scatterplot similar to that in tksurfer which sho
has been masked to only leave a skeleton of white matter
tracts. The order of the FSGD file corresponds to the order of each
subject's registered FA skeleton map in the 4D volume.
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Douglas N Greve wrote:
Is is already registered to a subject?
Victoria Williams
I am having a bit of trouble using asegstats2table. I have tried using
different versions of this command and if only I could combine the two, it
would work perfectly. I am trying to compile wmparc stats for about 160
Unlike the new aparcstats2table, asegstats2table seems to
I was hoping to get some more information about the qcache option. Would
running all my subjects with qcache save me any time if I plan on using
mri_glmfit instead of qdec? The GLMs I am running have to be sent through
mris_preproc and mri_surf2surf each time since some inputs are #'d
I am processing several multiple comparison jobs on launchpad:
'mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir
lh.physio2_chol_final.cvram.115.thickness.07092009.doss.30.glmdir --sim
mc-z 5000 1.3 mc-z.pos.1.3 --sim-sign pos --bg 6'
and I believe that the job is almost finished running the simulation (it
has be
I apologize if this is a very simple question, but how would you set up a
contrast matrix to look at the interaction of 2 variables on a measure?
For example, my fsgd file contains:
Input Subjid class var1 var2
When I tried using a contrast of 0_1_1 the significance
I used bbregister to create a register.dat file aligning a
subject's T2(lowb) dti image to their FreeSurfer orig volume. I am now
wondering with what command can I apply this register.dat file to the
other diffusion measures such as FA to bring them into alignment with the
orig, as they
I have successfully run 126 subjects through bbregister and mri_vol2vol in
order to translate the wmparc volume into TBSS space. However, there are 2
subjects that exited prematurely from bbregister. I think it may have to
do with my naming system? 126 of the subjects have the subjid
Are there any freesurfer tools that allow labeling of wm hypointensities
using imput from both T1 and T2 or lowb images?
Also, I was wondering if there was further documentation for the use of
the mri_relabel_hypointensities command? I
got the impression this script dealt somehow with c
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Hi Lena,
Have you tried loading your labels as a segmentation volume? As long as
each of your labels has a different voxel value, you can load that label
volume as a segmentation, and then make a corresponding color look up
table making each label whatever color you want (as long as you can
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