Dear Anastasia,
I was wondering if there is a way to automatically (in command line) derive the
FA/V1 vector image.
fslview FA.nii.gz V1.nii.gz allows to load the FA and V1 image, but then
manual section of the (lines) is needed.
freeview -dti V1 FA does it too (with different xy
version (that you can download
on the web site).
On Thu, 12 Mar 2015, Versace, Amelia wrote:
> Dear Anastasia,
> I was wondering if there is a way to automatically (in command line) derive
> the FA/V1 vector image.
> fslview FA.nii.gz V1.nii.gz allows to load the FA and V
Dear Anastasia,
Is there a way to get connectivity matrices using the outputs of tracula?
Thanks a lot, Amelia
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in t
Dear Anastasia and Tracula experts,
I would like to run between-group statistics using the pathstats.byvoxel.txt
outputs. It is clear from the website how to manage the NANs. However, what
would you suggest to use for between-group or correlational analyses? Is there
a script/function/statistica
I am having the same issue.
Can you please upload the updated version of epidewarp.fsl for FSL 5.x.
Thanks a lot, Amelia
[] On Behalf Of Douglas Greve
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:58 PM
To: fre
Hi Anastasia,
I am having some issues with the -stat option. Below is the error. I am not
sure of what's causing the issue. Any idea?
Thanks a lot!! Amelia
trac-all -c scripts/dmrirc.stats -stat
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /data/dprojects/BIOS/freesurfer
INFO: Diffusion root is /da
subjects that you've specified in your config file. It'd be looking under:
[] on behalf of Versace, Amelia