Hi All,
Is there any tool,which can convert mgz files to Dicom?
In Thanks
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only for
Hi All,
I am running recon-all on a set of Diff images since last 2 days
and it looks like FS stopped working.It says correcting defect 0 since
yesterday afternoon.
Any way to figure whats going on?
Many Thanks
#@# Fix Topology lh Tue Apr 16 14:47:22 CEST 2013
\n cp ../surf/l
Dear FS team,
Could any tell me what this numbers stands for in segstats.
3153 Right-Hippocampus 2953 2953
3254 Right-Amygdala 969 969
45 251 CC_Posterior 191 191
46 252 CC_Mid_Posterior 200 200
I am referring to this 31 53,32 54,45 251 etc
is this the slice range?
Dear All,
I am getting this error message on a scan.I deleted the created
subject folders and re-ran the command,but no luck.Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME /usr/local/fre
Dear FS team,
I tried to run this command
asegstats2table --subjects bert ernie fred margaret --meas volume
--tablefile aseg_stats.txt
But got this error,permission denied,
SUBJECTS_DIR : /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
Parsing the .stats files
Building the table..
Writing the table to aseg_
While running the following command:
recon-all -i /media/sf_freesurferstudys/raw/raw_scr/T1pre -subjid test2
I keep seeing the following error:
corRead(): can't open file
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/03/22 16:37:02 nicks Exp
> thanks
> Bruce
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2012, Varghese Chikku wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
>> Many thanks for you mail.
>> Is this the command you referring to.
>> recon-all -i /media/sf_freesurferstudys/**raw/raw_scr/T1pre/Image1.**dcm
>> -subjid test4
Dear all,
I am trying to run recon all and FS will either exists with this *
child process exited abnormally*...or just a blank window appears with
leaving the system to freeze.So i have to power off the VM and start
all over again.
Does it have to do with the system requirements
Thanks Bruce,I am currently using 4GB ram and i5 intel processor.
On 8 November 2012 15:08, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> how much RAM does the VM have?
> On Thu, 8 Nov 2012, Varghese Chikku wrote:
> Dear all,
>> I am trying to run recon all and FS will either exists w
Dear FS team,
I processed two set of MRI data for a single patient,Thats BL scan and
TP1.I ran both scans on a Mcbook Pro and a PC with Virtual machine
Though I was expecting the same segstats,the results vary from Macpro to
VM.For eg , for BL in Mac SubCortGrayVol is 178038 but
Dear All,
I ran a test subject on VM and the process took 20 hrs to complete.But
the same images on Mc pro took 58 hours.VM is 8GB and Mpro is 16 GB.I
have noticed this delay happening in the past as well,where VM takes
20-24 for a single patient and Mc takes 24-30 for the same.But,th
Thanks Bruce,Its 64 bit.
On 29 January 2013 15:12, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> no, the longer time is probably because the mac version you are using is
> 32 bit.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2013, Varghese Chikku wrote:
> Dear All,I ran a test subject
Thanks Nick,
Please find the attached.
On 29 January 2013 19:33, Nick Schmansky wrote:
> Chikku,
> Can you send us your recon-all.log and recon-all.cmd files? I'd like to
> investigate why it ran so slowly.
> Nick
> On Tue, 2013-01-29 at 06:53 +0100,
#x27;d like to
> investigate why it ran so slowly.
> Nick
> On Tue, 2013-01-29 at 06:53 +0100, Varghese Chikku wrote:
> > Dear All,
> > I ran a test subject on VM and the process took 20 hrs to
> > complete.But the same images on Mc pro took 58 hours.VM
Dear Team,
I tried to run dt_recon and the systems says *cannot find
eddy_correct,Make sure FSL is installed*. So ,do I need to install the
whole FSL package to run this.
In Thanks
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear All,
I have been trying to recon all a patient and unfortunately nothing is
happening after 24 hrs of processing so far .No error messages are
coming up either .This is the line it got stuck,CORRECTING DEFECT 10
vertices 67735 convex hull 9509
This is a rerun after my initial processi
Hi all,
One of my subject exited with error after 5 days of processing.
This is what it said,
CORRECTING DEFECT 57 (vertices=101022, convex hull=10822)
Excessive topologic defect encountered: could not allocate 536232126
edges for retessellation
Cannot allocate memory
Darwin chikkus-MacBook-Pro.l
I am getting an error while using qdec. It says error while
loading shared libraries ,libjpeg.so.62 cannot open shared object
file No such file or directory
I ran reconall with out any problem.
Any idea,
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear all,
I am bit confused with the Qdec process.
I finished recon all for 2 time points and want to create
longitudinal data.From FS tutorial I learned to create
within-subject templates for processing,which is running now with
recon-all -base -tp -tp ... -all.
Now,in an other link
Dear all,
I am getting and error when trying this command,
asegstats2table -s truetest1 truetest2 \ --segno 11 12 17 18 \
--tablefile FILE aseg.vol.table
ERROR: output table name should be specified (use --tablefile FILE)
child process exited abnormally command.I tried using
Any Help
I have completed base and long runs for qdec longitudinal analysis.Now I
am struggling to make qdec.table.dat.How can I do this.
Freesurfer mailing list
Any idea how can I sort this error,
Loading data table /Users/chikkuvarghese/subject/qdec/qdec.table.dat...
Number of columns: 4
fsid column:1
Number of factors: 3
Number of subjects: 1
ERROR: QdecDataTable::Load: problem parsing file
Dear FS team,
I dowloaded the latest ML version of FS and tried to run a subject.But
this error is coming up.Any suggestions?
chikkuvarghese$ recon-all -i
/Users/chikkuvarghese/Desktop/BL/raw/image1 -autorecon-all -s BL1
mkdir: /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/BL1: Permission denied
Hi Fs Team,
I am getting this errow while trying to use freeview.
reesurfer@freesurfer-VirtualBox:~$ freeview
freeview.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.62: wrong
Any Help
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