[Freesurfer] error in *recon-all -all -s* and *qdec*

2011-06-14 Thread Sophy Zhu
Hello, Freesurfers, When I use *recon-all -all -s ...* there exists the error *mris_volmask.bin: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/local/freesurfer//lib/vtk/lib/vtk-5.2/libvtkRendering.so.5.2: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied* Would you please tell me how to sol

[Freesurfer] error in qdec design analyze

2011-06-28 Thread Sophy Zhu
Hi Freesurfers, There existed an error "Error in Analyze: Couldn't open file /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/PD1/surf/lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh", when I clicked on the button "Analyze" in qdec design. I have only done "recon-all" with my data (PD-MPR group and Controled-MPR group). Did I mi