I have the same problem with tksurfer in Ubuntu.
The keyboard entry doesn't work for the tksurfer input boxes - I can't set any
values in the overlay configuration window, edit label info, configure phase
encoded data display etc. All of the text / numeric entry boxes have this issue.
been deprecated - can you try using freeview instead?
On Sat,
12 Dec 2015, Slater David wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the same problem with tksurfer in Ubuntu.
> The keyboard entry doesn't work for the tksurfer input boxes - I can't set
> any values in the overlay conf
I have some mesh and label files I would like to use with my Freesurfer data
however they are in an alternative format (connectome workbench).
I would like to get the labels into the space of a typical Freesurfer subject
(e.g. fsaverage), followed by pushing the labels to subject native spa
" tool could then be used to create subject
specific parcellation maps
Is this correct? Am I missing something?
-Message d'origine-
De : Donna Dierker [mailto:do...@brainvis.wustl.edu] Envoyé : 08 March 2016
18:05 À : Slater David Objet : Re: [H