[Freesurfer] Poor automatic segmentation of the cerebellum

2016-08-01 Thread Sam Mathias
Dear list, I'm interested in measuring cerebellar volumes using freesurfer. However, the automatic segmentation (aseg) seems to be doing a poor job of capturing the whole structure for many subjects. Specifically, it is chopping off the bottom of the cerebellum. Here is an example: https://drive.

[Freesurfer] Error using LGI script despite making suggested changes to Matlab script.

2016-08-05 Thread Sam Mathias
Dear all, I'm running into the following error when running "recon-all -s -lgi" using the latest version of FreeSurfer and Matlab R2016a: ERROR: make_roi_paths did not complete successfully! It seems like this is a common issue when using more recent versions of Matlab, so I editted the script

[Freesurfer] QCACHE always produces zeros for some vertices in the left hemisphere

2016-10-03 Thread Sam Mathias
Dear list, I'm trying to extract vertex-level measures of thickness, area, etc, for all of my subjects. I ran recon-all -all on all subjects as normal, then ran: recon-all -s {subject} -qcache where {subject} is the subject ID. This was followed by `mris_convert` to make the values human-readabl

Re: [Freesurfer] QCACHE always produces zeros for some vertices in the left hemisphere

2016-10-04 Thread Sam Mathias
Just a correction from my previous message; this issue actually affects both hemispheres, but different vertices in each one. -- Samuel R. Mathias, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist (ARS) Neurocognition, Neurocomputation and Neurogenetics (n3) Division Yale University School of Medicine 40 Temple