urfer from Matlab? It seems that the matlab
files that come with freesurfer are more for reading and writing data
rather than using/starting the freesurfer binaries.
Thanks for your help!
Raghav Puranmalka
Candidate B.S. Engineering | Major: Bioengineering
Candidate M.S. Engineeri
es in matlab, maybe
>> Thomas (ccd) can comment. As for 2, I'm not sure I understand what
>> you mean. Why would you need to run freesurfer from within matlab? I
>> guess you could use eval to run recon-all if you had to, but I
>> wouldn't think you would need to.
Hi all,
I am running recon-all as follows:
recon-all -subjid subj1 -all
and (after about 4 hours of running,) get this error:
0516: dt=0.00, rms=0.507 (0.000%), neg=0, invalid=766
Segmentation fault
ERROR: mri_ca_register with non-zero status 139
but continuing despite the error
Hi all -
I was trying to merge rh and lh surfaces. I succeeded after reading the
mailing list archives from March 2009 found at
I following this guide:
you can get something like what you want with
any way of extracting the correct curv file through the process
of using mris_smooth?
Thanks for your help!
Raghav Puranmalka
Candidate B.S. Engineering | Major: Bioengineering
Candidate M.S. Engineering | Major: Bioengineering
SEAS | University of Pennsylvania
630.544.1114 | ragh