Dear Freesurfer team,
I'm working on structural data analysis using Fressurfer. I have drawn my
own labels and now I'd like to get data like thickness, curvature, folding
index in the same way that I usually get when I run the aparc.stat
Can you please help me how to solve this problem?
nd command line mri_glmfit ?
Thank you very much for your help
Best regards
Raffaele Dubbioso
Raffaele Dubbioso, MD, PhD
University Federico II of Naples
Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive Sciences
and Odontostomatology.
Via Sergio
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Dear Freesurfer team,
I'm running a group analysis where I'd like to compare myelination between
two groups regressing out cortical thickness.
Unfortunately I get always the same error message:
dimension mismatch between X and contrast group.diff.mtx
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer team,
I'm running a group analysis where I'd like to compare myelination between
two groups regressing out cortical thickness.
Unfortunately I get always the same error message:
dimension mismatch between X and contrast group.diff.mtx
lue is the thickness for HC subjects and 0 for
> CMT subjects, the other the reverse, then set your contrast to 0 0 1 -1.
> If you just want to remove thickness as a nuisance, then you can stick
> with what you have and just use a contrast of 1 -1 0
> On 12/25/18 5:05 AM, Raffaele D
by the standard deviation.
Column 5, all values are 0
Column 6, all values are 0
Columns 5 and 6 are the same
Il giorno dom 6 gen 2019 alle ore 20:18 Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <> ha scritto:
> yes, that is the right contrast
> On 1/5/19 7:30 AM, Raffaele
> > > Variables Age NHPT
> > > Inputfs_CGaMain 19 18.2
> > > ...
> > >
> > > Is the matrix ok?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Rafael
> >
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Hello FS team,
can you please tell me what is the measurement scale of the file?
Is it a mean curvature (mm-1) or a gaussian curvature (mm-2)? I got values
between 0.02 and -0.08 and it seems they are gaussian curvature.
Thanks a lot for your
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FS team,
in my analysis I'd like to correlate two variables such as cortical
myelination and neurophysiological metrics, regressing-out thickness and
age of the subjects. I have only one group.
My FSGD file should be:
GroupDescriptorFile 1