Re: [Freesurfer] Reconall not properly parcellating brain

2015-04-24 Thread Rachel Jonas
Yes, attached is a screenshot of talairach.xfm. It does look brighter in the same region that was excluded in the white/pial matter. Could this be the problem, and what do you suggest I do? Thanks!! ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.e

[Freesurfer] GLM Analysis: ROI (--label)

2013-07-30 Thread Rachel Jonas
put this flag at the very end (after I specify the glmdir, which I do at the very end), it'll just complete the analysis as if this flag wasn't even there, resulting in a full-brain analysis. Am I missing something here re: how to add in this flag? Any help would be much appreciated! Ra

Re: [Freesurfer] GLM Analysis: ROI (--label)

2013-07-31 Thread Rachel Jonas
Hi Doug, Thanks for the response. Here is my glmfit command: mri_glmfit \ --y lh.22q_age.thickness.10.mgh \ --fsgd 22q_age.fsgd dods\ --C 22q_age_2.mtx \ --surf fsaverage lh \ --label lh.orbitofrontal.label --cortex \ --glmdir lh.22q_age_OFC.glmdir And here is the error message: gdfReadHeader:

[Freesurfer] Vertex analysis cluster values

2014-06-06 Thread Rachel Jonas
Hi Freesurfer users, I ran a GLM vertex analysis testing an interaction between group and a task measure, and a few clusters popped up that survived correction. I extracted the mean thickness values at the clusters (using cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat) in order to plot these interactions in graph form.