x1 mm voxel size.
Please, Could You help me! Thank You very much!
patrik krumpolec
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only fo
neral we
> find that the partial volume estimation helps accuracy, and that 6.0 is
> usually more accurate than 5.2
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 1 Feb 2018, Patrik Krumpolec wrote:
> > I want to ask about differences in brain segmentation with freesurfer
> vers
Good morning!
I want to ask what type of brain vessels include structure "vessel" (left
and right) in result stats file from brain volumetry measurement by
freesurfer: artery, vein or booth?
Thank You very much!
patrik krumpolec
External Email - Use Caution
Good morning!
I want to ask if it is possible to visualize compartment of brain vessels
in freesurfer through freeview.
Thank You very much and have a nice day!
patrik krumpolec
Freesurfer mailing list