I did recon-all of dementia patient images.
Recon-all -s 0101RG-ana finished without error on the terminal.
After I ran fsfast preproce-sess, 7 files didn't exist in the output folder.
;1.register.dof6.dat, 2.fmcpr.nii, 3.fmcor.mc.dat, 4.mcprextreg,
5.fmcpr.sm5.fsaverage.lh.nii, 6.fmcpr.sm5.
Hello Freesurfer
mni152reg --s 0201JB-anat
=> mkdir: cannot create directory
Permission denied.
Thus I put this command following the way of searching freesurfer mail support.
chmod ugo+w /usr/pubsw/packages/fsl/current/dat
Dear Freesurfer team
I am a new user in the martinos center.
I met a problem when I ran mni152reg on the martinos workstation, gencess.
I realized it was a bug related to an old version of mni152reg on the e-mail
Freesurfer team sent. Thus I am going to copy a new version of mni152 reg v
2014 i
Hello freesurfer team
When I ran bbregister functional image to T1, I got error message as follows:
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /autofs/cluster/catanagp/users/jumi/subjects/AD/0201JB
Hello Freesurfer team
I got a warning message when I checked tkregister2 after I did mni152.reg,
mri_matrix_multiply command.
I got warning messages and found that the axial image was suddenly showed up on
coronal window view on tkregister2.
The error messages as follow like this:
Hello Freesurfer team
When I ran preprc-sess of dementia patient's fmri, fmcpr.nii. files and
register.dof6.dat were not created automatically after preproc-sess. Thus I had
to bbregister in two dementia patients manually.
However recently I did preproc-sess in the another patient, fmcpr.nii and
Hello Freesurfer expert
I got two errors when I registered bold image to patient's own T1 image and
registered T1 to mni152 and got transform data (reg.mni152. data) between bold
and mni152.
1) I typed tkregister2 --targ $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz --mov
template.nii.gz --reg
Hello Freesurfer expert
Recon abruptly terminated with error message
from the recon-all. log:
#@# Skull Stripping Mon Jul 6 13:16:25 EDT 2015
mri_watershed -keep brainmask.auto.mgz brainmask.mgz brainmask.mgz -T1
Hi Freesurfer team
I did unpacksdcmdir successfully before at Martinos center.
Recently I got error message while I was trying to unpacksdcmdir.
; Cannot open /autofs/cluster/scratch/monday/jungmi/data_parent/0201JB/scan.info
There was some messages in unpack.log;
INFO: found 4276 Siemens fil
Hello Freesurfer expert
I got an error message while running recon-all.
1) subject name gencess
SUBJECTS_DIR: /space/sake/3/users/inverse/subjects
PWD: /autofs/cluster/catanagp/users/jumi/subjects/anat/AD0401AG/anat/scripts
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/sake/3/users/inverse/subjects
cd /au
Hello Freesurfer expert
Running recon-all abruptly stopped with this error message at NMR center;
mri_ca_register -invert-and-save transforms/talairach.m3z
Loading, Inverting, Saving, Exiting ...
Reading transforms/talairach.m3z
ERROR: cannot find or read transforms/talairach.m3z
ERROR: mri_ca
When I tried to run mri_convert brain.mgz to get brain.nii to get betted
brain. nii,
I received an error message following next:
mri_convert -it mgz -i brain.mgz -ot nii -o brain.nii.gz
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $
reading from brain.mgz...
When I ran FSL GUI on the Martinos center after typing source freesurfer, I
received an error message like that custom widget with id loop-button does not
return a valid node on the X-window terminal.
How can I solve this problem?
Jung Mi
I used FSL 5.0.7, FEAT tool v 6.00 for
Hello FS expert
While I ran higher level analysis using FSL feat, I received an error message.
Does it mean this computer needs to update the FSL program?
Computer: brain-vision at martinos center
FS environment 5.3
FSL 5.0.7
/usr/pubsw/packages/fsl/current/bin/fsl_sub -T 60 -l logs -N feat4_po
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