Hi everyone,
I’m having a little trouble understanding the exact meaning of the 20% default
threshold used in the freeview -tv option and dmri_pathstats --pthr. I’ve seen
multiple threads where Anastasia said that it is 20% of the maximum value in
the probability distribution—which corresponds
Dear Anastasia,
I’ve been looking at a lot of Tracula path.pd files and I’ve found that some
probability distributions are only a single voxel wide, similar to the path.map
file. The few none-zero voxels in these path.pd files have very high
probability values. When an isosurface is generated f
Dear Anastasia,
I’ve been looking at a lot of Tracula path.pd files and I’ve found that some
probability distributions are only a single voxel wide, similar to the path.map
file. The few none-zero voxels in these path.pd files have very high
probability values. When an isosurface is generated f