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Hi, I'm Kazuhiro.
I also met trouble for compilation of freesurfer stable6 repository under my
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS machine.
Even the binary package of
freesurfer6.0(freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0.tar.gz) can work
under Ubuntu 18.04, o
External Email - Use Caution
Thank you for information of build parameter at CentOS6 packages archive.
I also remember. Ubuntu 18.04 Default gcc/g++/gfortran compiler is now version
Therefore, at the compilation of freesurfer in Ubuntu 18.04, I have installed
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Hello Christian,
I have not checked 'make check' procedure,
'recon-all' with my compiled binary was finished without error and
segmentation results looks nice. It may be OK for my environment.
Using '-use-gpu' and '-openmp 8' flag, the time of 'reco