I can't seem to run tksurfer in Fedora 7. We are using a Wacom Tablet
monitor, and since we installed it, we cannot run tksurfer. We get the
following error:
surfer: ### redraw failed: no gl window open
surfer: single buffered window
surfer: tkoInitWindow(fsaverage)
Can't create a context
final consensus?
Thank you.
Massieh Moayedi B.Sc. (Hons)
PhD Student
Dr. Karen Davis' Lab
Institute of Medical Science
University of Toronto
Brain, Imaging and Behaviour- Systems Neuroscience
MP 14-301
Toronto Western Research Institute
University Health Network
399 Bathurst Stre
parcellation outcomes with the two
different methods. Why would that be?
What do you recommend for input — the RMS file, or the individual echo files?
Massieh Moayedi, PhD
Assistant Professor
UTCSP Pain Scientist, Faculty of Dentistry
Co-Director, Centre