ur CV, cover letter
and references if you are interested.
All best wishes
Martina Papmeyer
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear FreeSurfer experts
I have a question regarding the correct data analysis method for my study
design and could unfortunately not find an example of a similar analysis on
your mailing list or documentation on the wiki.
I have repeated structural MRI data from one group (within-subjects design)
>> that I read that this is not suitable if you only have two groups (in my
>> case: conditions).
>> Thank you very much for help and advice!
>> All best wishes, Martina
>> Universitäre Psych
Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I was wondering if there is anywhere a table or hint, suggesting which
particular steps of all the recon-all steps (i.e.
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ReconAllDevTable) are part
of the volume-based or the surface-based stream or both? I also found
Dear FreeSurfer experts
I have one question regarding the labeling of cortical structures
using the Desikan-Killiany atlas and couldn't find any information in
the archives. As far as I read, this atlas has been composed by
including 40 subjects of broad age ranges (19-86 years of age), with
e use the geometry of the gray/white boundary to drive
> the registration and segmentation, and it is completely invariant to gray
> matter atrophy and it would take huge amounts of white matter atrophy to
> cahnge it enough to mess things up.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 11 Nov
I have a very simple question but couldn't find an answer yet. What
does the "tk" actually stand for in tksurfer and tkmedit?
Many thanks for this info, Martina
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Hello everyone,
I guess that this might be a simple question but I couldn't find an
answer to my problem yet.
I would like to extract and visualize four labels from my aseg.mgz
file for illustration purposes. I tried the following:
mri_extract_label aseg.mgz 17 18 53 54 filename.mgz
(the va
her suggestions?
Many thanks, Martina
Quoting Bruce Fischl on Thu, 24 May 2012
08:53:14 -0400 (EDT):
> Hi Martina
> you can use mri_binarize --match 17 --match 18... to do this.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 24 May 2012, Martina Papmeyer wrote:
>> Hello
lls to mri_binarize specifying only one label.
> doug
> On 05/24/2012 10:38 AM, Martina Papmeyer wrote:
>> Thanks for your help, Bruce!
>> Unfortunately, this also leads to a mgz.file where hippocampus and
>> amygdala are "merged" together so that
> doug
> On 05/24/2012 10:45 AM, Martina Papmeyer wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> thanks for your help.
>> I need a file with four segmentations being displayed (as outlined
>> below: left/right amygdala and left/right hippocampus). I know how
11 matches
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