Thanks in advance!
Lana Ruck
Console errors (bolded and underlined) for bbregister --init-fsl,
bbregister --init-spm, and tkregister2:
[lruck@c5 MNINonLinear]$ bbregister --mov
./Results/rfMRI_REST1_LR/REST1LR.img --bold --s 101915 --init-fsl --reg
could not open file*
*No such file or directory*
*mri_vol2surf: could not read surface
*No such file or directory*
Lana Ruck, M.A.
Associate Instructor, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Schola
ta appropriately formatted for
parcellation with MATLAB, do you suggest I download the extended packages,
or will the compact ones have everything I need?
Lana Ruck, M.A.
Associate Instructor, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Scholars Fellow, Cognitive Science Program
Indiana University, Bloom
I guess I'm just wondering what the value of the pre-processed data is if
it is re-organized as to be un-readable by Freesurfer defaults.
Lana Ruck, M.A.
Associate Instructor, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Scholars Fellow, Cognitive Science Program
Indiana University, Bloomington