I am trying to analyze my fMRI data ( collected at MGH) using FSFAST and
I was following the tutrial
I was able to unpack the data. But when I run "preproc-sess -s
-fwhm 2", it fails at 3dvolreg. Here is the log file
I am analyzing my fMRI data and I got a memory alloc problem in "mri_fwhm"
The exact message is :
mri_fwhm --mask
/tmp/sk/FSFAST/abe_090116/bold/VisualActivations/mask.nii --i
/tmp/sk/FSFAST/abe_090116/bold/VisualActivations/res/all.nii --sum
"all.nii" takes 1309 MB. I have 4 GB RAM and a 80 GB HDD.
Douglas N Greve wrote:
how big is all.nii and how much memory do you have on that computer?
Krishna Srihasam wrote:
I am analyzing my fMRI data and I got a memory alloc problem in
I am getting an error if I try to register my functionals to anatomical image
(using spmregister-sess command). It is looking for file
'subjectname'. Here are the steps I did before coming across this
error. Did I miss anything?
step 1 : unpacking data (unpacksdcmdir command)
step 2 : run m
I have some fMRI data which i collect from GE signa 3T machine. I have
the data in two formats :
(1) IMA format ( where each run is a directory like "01.SER" and
each such directory has separate files for each acquisition i.e. if I
had 150 acquisitions, I have 150 .IMA files
(2) I also
We had collected a lot of data in our first few scan sessions trying
different TR/TE/voxel size/REPs combinations in order to get the optimal
values. Now, I would like to do a joint analysis of all those scans.
Is it possible ?
I have a question regarding overlay of functional activations on a
freesurfer map. After much work, I flattened my monkey brain. But, I just
realized that the input volume , which I used to generate the flat maps, had
orientation set to LIA. I want to over lay my functional activations, whi
Is there a way to use" isxconcat-sess" to average monkey fMRI data? i.e. I
have two groups of monkeys (say, test and control groups) and I want to do
group analysis on their data..
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