p members and women. The University's Notice of
Non-Discrimination can be found at
Keith Schneider
Director, Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging
Associate Professor
Department of Ps
relaxation and perfusion
• Siemens IDEA and ICE certification (or ability to obtain)
For further information, contact me.
reach the widest
audience, since until not a more appropriate forum did not exist.
To subscribe to this new "fMRIList", visit the web site: https://
Keith Schneider
Assistant Professor
Rochester Center for Brain Imaging
I've been using mri_parse_sdcmdir for a long time to convert my dicom
files to nifti or analyze. It takes 10 minutes or more on my G5 Mac
for an entire data session. Some other Mac tools like Osirix and
Neurolens can read in all of the dicom files and parse them in a few
seconds. It seem
External Email - Use Caution
A post-doctoral position is available with Keith Schneider at the University of
Delaware http://keith.psych.udel.edu <http://keith.psych.udel.edu/>. The
position is funded by NEI/NIH to study the subcortical mechanisms of vision,
audition, att
For further information, contact me.
Keith Schneider
Director, Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging
Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
University of Delaware
Freesurfer mailing list
External Email - Use Caution
Research Associate I, Research Office
Pay Grade: 28N
Context of the job:
The Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging (CBBI, cbbi.udel.edu) at the
University of Delaware is hiring a research associate. The CBBI houses a
research dedicated Siemens Pr
Job Type: Contract
Location: Toronto, ON, CANADA;
Industry: Education
Company URL: http://www.yorku.ca
Date Posted: January 27, 2011
JOB TITLE: MRI Analyst, Centre for Vision Research
TYPE OF POSITION: Contract – 1 year contract with a possibility of renewal
SALARY: $60,000 - $75,000 per annum pl
Job Type: Contract
Location: Toronto, ON, CANADA;
Industry: Education
Company URL: http://www.yorku.ca
Date Posted: March 31, 2011
JOB TITLE: MRI Analyst, Neuroimaging Laboratory
TYPE OF POSITION: Contract – 1 year contract with a possibility of renewal
SALARY: $60,000 - $75,00
Hi, I have a simple question for which I can find no answer.
What is the command line input for mcflirt in order to register all of
the volumes within a directory?
mcflirt -in * doesn't seem to work.
Thanks for any info.
Freesurfer mailing lis
I installed Freesurfer on a G5 Tiger Mac, but mri_convert and
mri_parse_sdcmdir don't recognize my Siemens DICOM files (from a
Siemens Trio 3T) as DICOM files. Has anyone else encountered this?
Other programs can read the DICOM files just fine.
Is it possible to have mri_convert output one nii (nifti) file per
time point? I'm giving it a list of Dicom files, and it outputs a
single 4D file. When I convert to spm, it gives me one analyze hdr
and img pair per time point.
I'd like individual 3D files because I'm applying flirt to e
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