I have T1 data that has been run through freesurfer and I want to apply the
subcortical parcellations from that analysis to some QSM data. The mailing list
and website refer to using reg-feat2anat but this require an existing feat
directory. If I make a "pseudo" feat directory with my QSM data s
I have a group of subjects that I have run through the standard freesurfer
(version 5.3) pipeline, for the same subjects I also have T2 volumetric data
and I have created T1/T2 ratio images for each subject. I have registered the
ratio images into Freesurfer space and used mri_vol2surf to create
I ran the command shown below to do recon-all on DICOM images from a Philips
Ingenia scanner using the development version of freesurfer on a Mac running
high Sierra.
recon-all -i /Users/Shared/HOPE_SS_Data/HOPE_SS020_Anat/IM-0001-0001.dcm
-subject HOPE_SS020 -all
The program crashed with the
External Email - Use Caution
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 12:05:03 -0400
From: "Douglas N. Greve"
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer dev version : recon all error
Message-ID: <0b445a3f-8fde-d23e-dab6-442a773c9...@mgh.harvard.edu>
Content-Type: text/p
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A few more questions regarding the use of a FLAIR image.
1) If one is using the hires option on T1 images acquired with
sub-millimeter spatial resolution then, to get the best results with the FLAIR
option, is matching spatial resolution require
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A couple of questions:-
1) Do you experience similar variability with the T2 and FLAIR options or is
FLAIR more variable due to it's generally lower SNR?
2) Should the spatial resolution of the T2/FLAIR scan match that of the T1 scan?