i/MEF, and send the resulting T1 to
recon-all? With my scan time constraints, the alternative would be to
acquire a multi-echo MPRAGE and a single 5-degree MEF.
Thanks for any help on what is probably a naïve question.
Jon Houck
Freesurfer ma
s probably a secondary
> concern (it would be important if you were doing e.g. a thickness study)
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Fri, 25 Apr 2014, Jon Houck wrote:
> Hi all,
>> I'm building a scan protocol for what is primarily a MEG study, which
tarballs for the other 4 linux
distributions are fine and only the ubuntu 18 tarball and .deb have this
issue. Is this intentional? I didn't see anything in the release notes --
apologies if I missed something there.
Jon Houck
~2001. We have discontinued CentOS6 builds and I
> suspect Ubuntu18 will be next since Ubuntu18 LTS (long term stable release)
> expires in Q1 2023 since both Ubuntu 20 and Ubuntu 22 now have LTS releases.
> - R.
> On Aug 17, 2022, at 15:07, Jon Houck wrote:
> Ex