[Freesurfer] subcortical segmentation

2010-07-07 Thread Hannoun
Hi, I am a new user of freesurfer. Is it possible to do just the volumetric processing stages without the surface processing stages? In fact what I want is to segment the subcortical structures. Is there a command line for this purpose only or should we run all the recon-all steps? Thank you

[Freesurfer] recon-all exited with erros

2016-07-19 Thread Salem Hannoun
Hi I’m trying to run free surfer on a set of T1 images. I tried to do it on one patient first before running it on the whole dataset. I ran the recon-all with the -all option I had an error message one minute after it has been launched. It stopped at the mri_nu_correct.mni. Could you please advise