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Dear Experts,
I'm trying to understand what is the best approach
to reconstruct the face of the patient from the MRI scan.
I'm well aware that with MiDeFace we can alter the face and skull anatomy
enough to anonymize the subject.
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Hi Stefano,
I've investigated the use of SAMSEG for AD/MCI patients. I'm using the 7.2
version of Freesurfer and I've realized that I get different results using
the same data but when I run the SAMSEG multiple times.
Differently from using ASEG, SAMS
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Hi Douglas,
I've investigated the use of SAMSEG for AD/MCI patients. I'm using the
7.2 version of Freesurfer and I've realized that I get different results
using the same data but when I run the SAMSEG multiple times (on the
same patient).
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Hi Donatas,
I've read your full paper and it is very interesting. During my
investigation on the use of SAMSEG and ASEG for AD/MCI patients, I've
found some unexpected behaviors.
I'm using the 7.2 version of Freesurfer and I've realized that I get
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Hi Donatas,
I've read your full paper and it is very interesting. During my
investigation on the use of SAMSEG and ASEG for AD/MCI patients, I've
found some unexpected behaviors.
I'm using the 7.2 version of Freesurfer and I've realized that I get
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this is true (i.e. reproducibility) for ASEG (when running recon-all -all).
But, if you use SAMSEG (i.e. running run_samseg instead) you get
slightly different results everytime. This is regardless you use
-threads flag or not.
My command li
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I've tested reproducibility of the results either using ASEG (therefore
via recon-all -all) and also SAMSEG (via run_samseg).
The methods are different either in terms of reproducibility of results.
Multiple runs of ASEG (recon-all -all) provide the
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Dear Experts,
I'm trying to understand what is the best input choice for running SAMSEG
--recon in order to have the closest results as possible when compared
against ASEG after executing (separately) an instance of recon-all all (and
the raw input file
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Hello experts,
I've installed FreeSurfer 7.3.2 and used SynthSeg with --parc --robust and
--threads options. The Virtual Machine I use has 4 cores and 20GB of ram,
running Ubuntu 18.04.
I've executed the same command without --threads option and it work