using max gradient = 1.000
reading from nu.mgz...
normalizing image...
talairach transform
1.117 0.005 0.077 -0.516;
-0.015 1.062 0.148 -22.126;
-0.084 -0.173 1.230 -34.192;
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000;
INFO: Modifying talairach volume c_(r,a,s) based on average_3
gunzip: /Users/frederickpowell/freesurfer/subjects/011106RJ/nu.mgz.gz:
No such file or directory
-1): read error
I went into my subjects directory and to the subject that I ran with
the error and received the above.
I would like to run FSL and Freesurfer on my Linux compter. I have
noticed that within Freesurfer I have a FSL directory. I have also
visited the FSL website and noticed an entire downloadable version of
FSL. I would like to be able to use my structural MPRAGE images that
I have analyzed in Fre
Hello all,
I am new to Freesurfer and would like to know what is the new command
to perform the automated process for this software. I have created a
subject directory and my files are dicom. If anyone could please give
me as much information because I just started to use this and I am
running X1
Hello I am a Grad student with Dr. Killiany at Boston University. I
am running auto recon with a Linux Centos machine. So I am running
the auto recon on his system while controlling from my mac machine. I
recieved the following error. I am not Linux savy so will need some
detailed help. Thanks