Any thoughts or ideas maybe?
Von: Franziska Klein
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2020 11:05
Betreff: How can I create a grey matter volume in Matlab?
Dear freesurfer user,
due to the Covid 19
tween white and pial surfaces.
This is already done in the ribbon.mgz file
On 6/8/2020 10:05 AM, Franziska Klein wrote:
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Hello again,
unfortunately, nobody is responding. .
Until now I am able to create meshes from the freesurfer output files with the
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I am using the isosurface() function in order to create a mesh based on the
T1.mgz and on the ribbon.mgz. I need those meshes for the coregistration of
some channels.
After coregistration I do project the channels onto the cortex and extrac
it sounds like you might not be taking into account that the voxel
coords in matlab are 1-based.
On 6/26/2020 12:04 PM, Franziska Klein wrote:
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I am using the isosurface() function in order to create a mesh based on the
T1.mgz and on the ribbon.mgz. I
urfer] Question regarding MRIread
How did you generate the nii file from the mesh?
On 6/29/2020 12:21 PM, Franziska Klein wrote:
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I know, a lot of steps.
1-based vs. 0-based, that is basically what I mean and what I think is the
problem, but I need to be sure. W
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Sorry. I am not using the mesh for this, but the volume.
Von: Franziska Klein
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Juni 2020 19:15:01
Betreff: AW: [Freesurfer] Question regarding MRIread
ntag, 29. Juni 2020 20:08:04
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] Question regarding MRIread
what volume? how did you create it? please give some details
On 6/29/2020 1:19 PM, Franziska Klein wrote:
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Sorry. I am not using the mesh