[Freesurfer] BIDS Steering Group nominations

2019-08-19 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution Hi FreeSurfer! We are announcing the nomination period for our fellow colleagues (or self-nomination) to the BIDS Steering Group! The BIDS Steering Group is proposed within our governance document

[Freesurfer] BIDS Governance and Steering Group voting has opened!

2019-10-01 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution The time has come to vote on our BIDS Governance document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R-J2lL9V_wIkYhye4zH-feyl4P4J8NyO40rIYyY141o/edit?usp=sharing) and for the inaugural Steering Group (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yb6j3a90serWbtab7uk

[Freesurfer] BIDS Governance and Steering Group election closing tomorrow!

2019-10-14 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution Time is running out to vote on our BIDS Governance document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R-J2lL9V_wIkYhye4zH-feyl4P4J8NyO40rIYyY141o/edit) and for the inaugural Steering Group (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yb6j3a90serWbtab7ukSMyecs16sG

[Freesurfer] BIDS 1.2.2 release and Genetic Information feedback

2020-02-19 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution We are excited to announce the release of BIDS version 1.2.2! This release enhanced the specification through additional clarifications and smaller fixes. The new recently released versions can be found at: https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/e

[Freesurfer] BIDS v1.3.0 release and next focus

2020-04-15 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) community is pleased to announce version 1.3.0 of the BIDS standard! This release includes the addition of genetic descriptors

[Freesurfer] BIDS Derivatives final request for comments

2020-05-25 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution The BIDS community is preparing to merge the Common Derivatives extension. The updated draft is available for review at https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/common-derivatives/, and comments and suggestions may be submitted on GitHub at http

[Freesurfer] BIDS Common Derivatives released

2020-06-15 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution Hello! The BIDS community is proud to announce the release of Common Derivatives! Derivatives are the outputs of preprocessing pipelines, capturing data and meta-data sufficient for a researcher to understand and (critically) reuse those outputs in

[Freesurfer] BIDS-ASL request for comments - closes on Friday (Nov 13th) {Disarmed}

2020-11-02 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution The BIDS community is preparing to merge the ASL (Arterial Spin Labeling) extension. The updated draft is available for review at: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1t4ZzOsfsvFPLRNF1xylkG0C9rf6FgtaTu4o9Dl7kHsW-tzrZVgK77RfeUpAcEoMP4o6RRVZ4R45vZr_1JxxHGxb4zc

[Freesurfer] BIDS-ASL request for comments - closes THIS Friday (11/13) {Disarmed}

2020-11-09 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution The BIDS community is preparing to merge the ASL (Arterial Spin Labeling) extension. The updated draft is available for review at: https://secure-web.cisco.com/19iI4s--bs7Y_Tdzvgf_eO4rOWt7fabvAARvcNytKJYcOiFI6gGONKUG4ASQvypqsJms2A8I_a2oiLM9epfyjdHtyXW

[Freesurfer] BIDS-PET extension request for comments - closes on Friday (Jan. 22nd)

2021-01-11 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution We are happy to announce that the Positron emission tomography BIDS extension is finally nearing it’s completion. Hence, we are seeking final community feedback for the PET BIDS standard. We are looking for feedback on GitHub and specifically to the

[Freesurfer] BIDS-PET extension request for comments - closes on Friday, Feb. 12

2021-01-19 Thread Franklin Feingold
External Email - Use Caution We are happy to announce that the Positron emission tomography BIDS extension is finally nearing it’s completion. Hence, we are seeking final community feedback for the PET BIDS standard. We are looking for feedback on GitHub and specifically to the