Hi all,
I'm Flavio, doctorate student at Fluminense University from Brazil. I would
like to report a bug with tkmedit.
I'm using Ubuntu distribution, kernel release (32-bits). I have
installed FreeSurfer version freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v4.2.0. My
video card is a ATI Radeo
Hi All,
I've got from IBSR (Internet Brain Segmentation Repository) MR images and their
subcortical structures segmented manually. The segmented images are saved in
Outline (.OTL) format. How could I convert from .OTL to .IMG or .NII (Analyze)
format using mri_convert? Are there any examples? I
Hi Hii,
I'm beginner Freesurfer user. I segmented brain subcortical structures using
Freesurfer (recon-all). The process was concluded ok. How could I convert
aseg.mgz and orig.mgz back to native space? I've tried "mri_convert orig.mgz
orig.nii -ot nii --apply_inverse_transform transforms/talai
: Transform orig.mgz image to native space
To: "Flavio Seixas"
Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu, t...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu,
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 5:56 PM
the data should already be in the native space, not talairach.
On Tue, 26 May 2009, Fla
Works. Thank you !
--- On Tue, 5/26/09, Nick Schmansky wrote:
From: Nick Schmansky
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Re: Transform orig.mgz image to native space
To: "Flavio Seixas"
Cc: "Bruce Fischl" , "Freesurfer Mailing List"
, t...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu, &qu
My name is Flavio, student at Universidade Federal Fluminense. I research
image segmentation methods applied to brain cortical structures
I've compared against the hippocampal region got from FIRST-FSL to
Freesurfer, using the same magnetic resonance (MR) image.
The FSL is a n
Dear All,
In addition to eTIV based on Tailarach transform matrix (see Buckner et al.
paper), is there other estimated total intracranial volume method, for example,
using the BET2 (brain extraction tool)?
Thank you in advance,