Hello Freesurfers!I’m trying to use tracheal -prep, and I’m getting an error. Would you please help me with figuring out where the problem is? The log file is attached.Thank you very much,EmadEmad Ahmadi, MD---Research FellowDepartment of RadiologyMassach
* I’m trying to use trac-all
> On Mar 4, 2015, at 4:42 PM, Emad Ahmadi wrote:
> Hello Freesurfers!
> I’m trying to use tracheal -prep, and I’m getting an error. Would you please
> help me with figuring out where the problem is? The log file is attached.
> Tha
> Does the freesurfer build that you're using match the computer that you're
> running it on?
> a.y
> On Wed, 4 Mar 2015, Emad Ahmadi wrote:
>> Hello Freesurfers!
>> I’m trying to use tracheal -prep, and I’m gett
:11 PM, Anastasia Yendiki
>>> mailto:ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>> Hi Emad - The error is:
>>> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/X11/lib/libGLU.1.dylib
>>> Does the freesurfer build that you're using match the
Hi,I keep getting an error when I run recon-all and can’t figure out what is wrong. I would really appreciate your help. I’ve attached the log file.Thank you so much,Emad
Emad Ahmadi, MD---Research FellowDepartment of RadiologyMassachusetts General
like matlabpool in matlab parallel computing
Thank you,
Emad Ahmadi, MD
Research Fellow
Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
25 New Chardon Street, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02114
Tel: 617 72
I'm using TRACULA to analyze images obtained by a non-Siemens scanner, and
I'm using dcm2niigui app to generate bvec and bval files from DICOMs.
My question is whether or not the attached bvec and bval files match,
because the 0 bval is the first entry while the <0,0,0> bvec is somewhere
I am having a tcsh scripting problem for generating a text file containing
the list of subjects, and I would appreciate any help. I've explained my
problem here:
All the best,
Freesurfer maili
I'm analyzing some images of patients with TBI. There's one of them having
abnormalities in T1 images (skull fracture, epidural/intracranial
hemorrhage, shifts) that can trouble image registration; when I run
recon-all for this patient, it exits with errors. I wonder if it has
anything to d
Hello & Happy New Year!
I'm running recon-all for one subject on MGH clusters (ERISone), and it
exits with error. I would appreciate it if you help me figure out what the
problem is. The log file is attached.
All the best throughout 2014!
Emad A
ally go through the
analysis pipeline, but it gives me the error and exits.
Thank you very much,
Emad Ahmadi, MD
Postdoc Research Fellow
Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
25 New Chardon Street, Suite
I want to know how to clone from T1.mgz to brainmask.mgz in freeview (to amend
a skullstript that has removed too much). I couldn’t find the tool in freeview.
Thank you very much,
Emad Ahmadi, MD
Postdoc Research Fellow
Department of
I want to define a new label in aparc+aseg.mgz (to mark certain brainstem
structures); I would appreciate it if you help me with how I have to do it.
Lots of thanks,
Emad Ahmadi, MD
Postdoc Research Fellow
Department of Radiology
>> new subjects? If the latter it requires manually labeling a training set and
>> rebuilding a classifer, etc..., so it is far from trivial
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Emad Ahmadi wrote:
>>> Hello,
P.S. I know that for this particular example, I can use the anatomical images
in dlabel/diff, but the point for me is to learn how to apply a transform
matrix to an image and generate a transformed image in freesurfer
Emad Ahmadi, MD
-exported dicoms back to Launchpad
5. Run dcm2niix on the new dicoms
Since this copying back and forth takes a lot of time, I need a better way to
convert the “crazy” Martinos Center dicoms into the “treatable” ones!
I would really appreciate your help.
Emad Ahmadi, MD
> then run dcm2nii.
> With that I have no problems.
> hth
> d
> On 10/30/15 10:28 AM, Emad Ahmadi wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfer experts,
>> I hope you’re all enjoying your day!
>> Working in Launchpad, I want to extract the bvals/bvecs
file. I would appreciate your help!Best,Emad
Emad Ahmadi, MD---Research FellowDepartment of RadiologyMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical School25 New Chardon Street, Suite 400Boston, MA 02114Tel: 617 726 5237Email: e...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
onfirm that I
should invert the x-component of the bvecs extracted via mri_convert (I had the
same experience with dcm2nii tool, where I had to invert the z-component of the
extracted bvecs).
I hope a wonderful new year for everyone!
Emad Ahma
at I cannot
recognize. I would greatly appreciate your help. I’ve attached the log files
and the config file.
Thank you so much,
Emad Ahmadi, MD
Research Fellow in Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
25 New Cha
Hello,I’m trying to unpack and run recon-all on a set of MEMPRAGE images we’ve obtained in Lunder 6 scanner (Siemens Skyra), but recon-all is giving me errors. I’ve attached for the scan.info file (outputted by unpacksdcmdir), the unpack.config file that I used to unpack the MEMPRAGE images, and th
into recon-all for dura correction, or if we should leave the T2-SPACE-FLAIR sequence as it is and use the four echoes of MEMPRAGE for dura correction (I mean, is dura correction using different echoes of MEMPRAGE as good as feeding FLAIR images into recon-all?)Thank you very much,Emad
Emad Ahmadi
is ok, and also
> monitor memory usage. It died right in the middle of mri_ca_label which I
> can't remember seeing before
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2014, Emad Ahmadi wrote:
>> Hello FreeSurfers,
>> Wish you a great summer time!
>> I’m
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