Hello all,
I am using mri_glmfit (DODS method) to run a CT analysis with 2 groups and
4 covariates and have a couple of questions regarding the statistical tests
performed within the group analyses:
1. Can Freesurfer test the change in model fit or delta R-squared in a
hierarchical regression?
It doesn't appear that my question posted to the forum. Is there anything I
need to do in order for the question to post?
On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 6:03 PM, Elizabeth Bartlett <
elizabeth.bartl...@stonybrook.edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am
Hello Freesurfer experts,
I have performed a group level analysis of volume and cortical thickness
using mri_glmfit and performed multiple comparisons correction with
mri_glmfit-sim. I used the contrast matrix 0 1 0 to analyze 1 group with 2
covariates, along the 1st covariate (education) with the