Hi freesurfers,
I am doing a connectivity analysis on cortical areas. I load the 2d fmri
surface file in fsaverage5 space into matlab and I get 20484 vertices for
both hemispheres. Some of which are zero because I previously specified to
get only the cortex vertices. However, the number of non-cor
27;s brain is
> different, and you can't get a subject-specific mask from fsaverage5. Can
> you load all your data into matlab and then compute a mask based on
> non-zero voxels?
> On 9/28/16 1:57 PM, Dorothy Sincasto wrote:
> Hi freesurfers,
> I am doing a connectivity a
I can't find in my freesurfer version the mri_decimate, and I tried to
download it from the links in the mailing list archive but they are down.
>From where could I download it?
Freesurfer mailing list
n 11/18/2016 07:26 PM, Dorothy Sincasto wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I can't find in my freesurfer version the mri_decimate, and I tried to
> > download it from the links in the mailing list archive but they are down.
> >
> >
nload from here:
> Hope this helps.
> On 11/21/2016 09:21 AM, Dorothy Sincasto wrote:
> > Hi Zake
> >
> > Actually, it was you in one of the emails who linked a version for MAC:
> > h
I have MEG time series for every vertex in a decimated surface (~6000
vertices). I want to create a file (i think is called overlay) in which the
timeseries are saved, like an fMRI mgz overlay. How can I do that with
I have tried read_surf for reading the midthickness surface file, an
fwrite3(fid, v(i)) ; % vertex number (0-based)
On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 7:28 PM, Bruce Fischl
> Can you send us the full command you ran and the full screen output?
> Thanks
> Bruce
> > On Mar 14, 2017, at 9:33 PM, Dorothy Sincasto
; > ntimepoints and use MRIwrite or save_mgh
> >
> > On Wed, 15 Mar 2017, Dorothy Sincasto wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Bruce,
> >> first I do:
> >>
> >> [vertex_coords, faces, magic] =
> >> read_surf('rh.13475.midthickness.decimated.05.s
I want to do an MEG analysis and first I want to downsample the surface to
around 100 vertices per hemisphere. I tried the command mris_downsample,
but when i plot the surface I see that the vertices go deep into the white
Is there an option to extract for example 100 equidistant vert
On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 2:42 PM, Dorothy Sincasto
> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I want to do an MEG analysis and first I want to downsample the surface
> to
> > around 100 vertices per hemisphere. I tried the command mris_downsample,
> > but when i plot the surface I s
Hi freesurfers,
I have an overlay with 4k vertices and I want to decimate it to 1k. This
overlay is actually an atlas with a label value for each vertex. My
surfaces will have 1k vertices and I need the overlay to 1k so I know which
areas each vertex belong to.
I tried to decimate the atlas.mgh b
find the nearest vertices in the 4k.
On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Douglas Greve
> I don't understand what you are trying to do. Can you elaborate? Sending
> command lines is always helpful
> On 5/15/17 6:50 PM, Dorothy Sincasto wrote:
> Hi fre
--streg surf4k
> surf1k
> On 5/16/17 12:41 PM, Dorothy Sincasto wrote:
> Hi Douglas,
> I am using the cortical surface for MEG time series reconstruction. I need
> to know which vertices belong to a specific area, i.e. vertices that
> belong to the PCC, AG... I got
I've been struggling to convert a freesurfer surface into an MNI space
coordinate. I tried to follow some tutorials and to play around with
transformation matrices but nothing works.
I have an MNI surface from freesurfer (the cvs_avg35_inMNI152) and I need
to align it to the 3d MNI 152. When l
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfers
Usually, the mean normalized intensity in aseg.stats is not considered
important. However, by mistake, I put it in my analysis and found out that
the mean intensity of the thalamus explains a lot the variance of my data.
What could be
take out the contribution of cortical gray
matter and just leave the level of thalamic myelinization.
On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 6:48 PM Glasser, Matthew wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> What is the other variable?
> Matt.
> From: on behalf
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