Dear Experts,
I tried to extract vertex coordinates information from
'fsaverage/surf/lh.pial' file using matlab function 'read_surf', but I found
that the coordinates returned by the function are different from what I saw
in tksurfer, here are the screenshots:
The vertex index starts from 0 in
-39.11 15.65 11.26
orig -55.67 -10.37 19.95
pial 0.00 0.00 0.00
white-55.76 -10.29 19.93
On 8/30/16 5:12 AM, Dongnandi wrote:
Dear Experts,
I tried to extract vertex coordinates information from ‘fsaverage/surf/lh.pial’
file using matlab function ‘read_surf’, but I found
Dear freesurfer exports,
As it is mentioned in the documentation that 'pediatric data violates the
fixed head size assumption' for the current longitudinal stream. Is there
any solution for the issue now?
Freesurfer mailing list
no gray matter is clipped in later time points.
The alternative is to only do cross sectional processing.
Best, Martin
On 14 Feb 2017, at 04:56, Dongnandi> > wrote:
Dear freesurfer exports,
As it is mentioned in the documentation that ‘pediatri
Dear FS experts,
I'm trying to transform some files from fsaverage space to
fsaverage5 space using mri_surf2surf(fs version: 6.0), however, it is weird
that the results turn out to be all zeros on the fsaverage5 surface, the
command line I used if : mri_surf2surf -srcsubject fsaverage -sv
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have a binary brainmask made in volumetric space and trying to transfer it
into surface space, first I use mri_vol2surf to transfer the mask into
fsaverage space, then run mri_surf2surf (fs 6.0) to down sample it to
fsaverage5 space.
After vol2surf, some values