Dear Freesurfer community,
An error has occured while applying PET partial volume correction using
mri_gtmpvc. A snippet from the log file:
Reading /projects/PET/recon/ID247/mri/gtmseg.lta
Replacing 18
ERROR: CheckSegTissueType() tissue type for seg 29 Left-undetermined not set
Failed tissue
I followed the processing workflow as described in PETSurfer wiki and
gtmseg.mgz was created using gtmseg script as described. I ran this processing
for over 100 subjects and only one has failed.
Freesurfer mailing list
Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I have run mri_gtmpvc command to perform PET PVC (partial volume correction)
where input data has 4 frames (dynamic). The output volume as gtm.nii.gz has 4
frames as well which means that PVC was performed for each frame separately.
However, gtm.stats.dat file has o
?Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I have done partial volume correction of PET data as described in PETSurfer
stream. Now, I want to extract a mean intensity value of my ROI for each
subject. This ROI is defined in the fsaverage space and saved as a label. What
would be the best way to do it? Shou
Dear freesurfer team,
I’m trying to use freesurfer LME tools to check whether baseline BMI scores
(BMI scores at the first timepoint) have a statistically significant
effect/impact on longitudinal thickness changes accounting for baseline age and
gender. The model I’m thinking of is:
Y_ij = b0
Dear Freesurfer Developers,
I’ve run the new longitudinal hippocampal subfields segmentation using
Freesurfer’s developer version. Then I decided to extract stats for each
hierarchy: HBT, FS60 and CA. I used the following command, for example:
mri_segstats —seg lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.long.v20.C
I want to clarify some aspects longitudinal TRACULA processing before
processing my data.
For example, I have 3 timepoints of data of the same participant:
All of these have structural and diffusion data (same scanner, same acquisition
parameters). I processe
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I have some doubts while running LME analysis on longitudinal data. The main
goal is to check whether longitudinal BMI scores have any impact on the
longitudinal cortical thickness changes. The model I’m thinking of is as
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Dear FreeSurfer team,
Is there a way to turn off the bias field estimation and correction while
running SAMSEG? I have images that are bias field corrected and would be great
to skip this extra bias field estimation.
Thanks in advance.
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A new pre-print paper comparing two FreeSurfer’s whole-brain segmentation
methods - ASEG and SAMSEG is now available (see the link below). The study is
of great interest to many researchers in the field, providing new insights and
guiding the selecti
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Dear FreeSurfers,
I had a look at the RB_all_2020-01-02.gca atlas and there was no probabilistic
information regarding the claustrum. However, in the mailing archive I have
found the following:
"On 2 May 2017, at 17:57, Douglas Greve wrote:
[…] Pu
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