External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurer Wizards,
I'm trying to run the recon-all command on one of my template brains such
that the resulting Norig and Torig are identical. I understand that fs
always conforms the MRI to 256^3 before segmentation. I wonder if there is
any way
> --conform-dc. Would that fix your problem?
> On 12/21/2023 9:30 AM, Dipterix Wang wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear FreeSurer Wizards,
> I'm trying to run the recon-all command on one of my template brains such
> that the resulting Norig
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer devs,
I'm writing a program in JavaScript that converts FreeSurfer surface (mesh)
files to other formats, which require the vertices to sit in scanner RAS
Right now I'm relying on the FreeSurfer *brain.finalsurf.mgz* or *T