Dear Sir / madam,
I have 50 subjects (25 healthy controls and 25 patients with BLVP) , I
would like to know how could i generate cortical thickness maps for multi
subject group analysis.
The initial pre-processing with recon-all takes several hours for single
subject, is there any alternate way
Dear sir,
I would like to know how could i possibly generate white and pial surface
data for pool of 50 subjects ( 25 healthy controls and 2 subjects with
BLVP) using free surfer.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear all,
After running through recon-all ,I have obtained wmparc parcellation file
(see the attached figure ). I would like to obtain parcellation at specific
regions of interest for my study i.e Brain stem region and Thalamus
region, could you please let me know how i could perform parcellati
Dear Sir,
In order to run my structural analysis pipeline , i require T2w images,
but unfortunately we have not performed T2w scans , my colleague suggests
we can use rfMRI instead T2w images Could you please let me know if i can
use rfMRI image instead of T2w image?.
Dear sir,
I was checking for your reply about my question in Freesurfer Forum but
unfortunately i could not your answer although ":Freesurfer Digest, Vol
150, Issue 43 " Today's topics section indicates that you have replied to
my question.
Following is my question :
In order to run my structur
Dear Sir / madam,
I have tried running recon-all with GNU parallel and i am incurring
following error kindly review the recon-all.log ( see below ).
Could you please let me know why such problem persists for me. Is it the
issue with memory space ?
Calling the GNU parallel in t
Dear Sir / madam,
I have tried running recon-all with GNU parallel and i am incurring
following error kindly review the recon-all.log ( see below ).
Could you please let me know why such problem persists for me. Is it the
issue with memory space ?
Calling the GNU parallel in t
Dear all,
I would like to like obtain the data values of IntraCranial Volume (ICV)
for 10 subjects , i know that recon-all automatically calls mri_segstats,
but i would like to know if there is any other method to obtain ICV
quickly, since running recon-all on each subject takes a lot of time.
Dear all,
I would like to like obtain the data values of IntraCranial Volume (ICV)
for 10 subjects , i know that recon-all automatically calls mri_segstats,
but i would like to know if there is any other method to obtain ICV
quickly, since running recon-all on each subject takes a lot of time.
Dear Freesurfer Group,
I would like to perform group analysis for 50 Subjects (25 healthy controls
and 25 Subjects with BLVP ) and examine the changes in cortical thickness
between 2 groups, could you please kindly inform me some methods that i
should adapt to perform the analysis.
Dear all,
Could you please suggest me some method where i can possibly convert
Wavefront .obj files into Nifti files, is such conversion technically
relevant ?.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear all,
Is there any approach that you recommend to quantify that changes in
cortical thickness in hippo campus sub fields , how could i perform
Surface based cortical thickness changes using freesurfer.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear all,
I would like to perform Group ROI analysis between healthy controls and BVF
patients where i would like measure cortical thickness changes between
healthy controls and BVF, what changes should i adopt to my initial
preprocessing tasks using recon-all in order to evaluate changes in
Dear FreeSurfer Developers,
I am incurring Talairach registration error when i was running recon-all -s
Error :
recon-all -s KON2 exited with ERRORS at Do 16. Feb 16:23:10 CET 2017
Freesurfer Version : freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0-HCP
Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
recon-all log
Dear all ,
I have been incurring lot of problems while running recon-all on ubuntu
16.04 , recon-all throws following error :
" #@# Curv .H and .K lh Sa 25. Feb 04:09:16 CET 2017
mris_curvature -w lh.white.preaparc
total integra
Dear all,
I would like to if there is any procedure to reorient the image ( flip )
from AP axis to PA , I have around 50 scans all of which are scanned in A/P
axis and i would like to reorient them , kindly please let me know if there
is any procedure.
I tried mri_convert and orient_mri is freesu
Dear all,
I have 115 subjects , and I would like to perform average cortical
thickness ,pial surface .
I have used mri_concat for this and i am getting dimension mismatch
*" mri_concat k***/surf/lh.thickness --mean --o
Dear all,
I am encountering following error when i run Hippocampus subfield
" line 46: 11266
Aborted "${exe_dir}"/segmentSubjectT1_autoEstimateAlveusML
$args ".
I am annexing the log file for your notice please kindly revi
Dear Sir,
I have performed Subfield segmentation of Hippocampus subfields, I would
like to how i can calculate thickness of each subfield post segmentation,
are the values in the text files
*[lr]h.hippoSfVolumes--.v10.txt*: indicate estimated
volume of each subfield , Is there any way i can obtai
Dear all,
I have a ROI mask volume file and i would like to generate Mean cortical
thickness surface file (i.e lh.ROI.thickness.fsaverage.mgh and
rh.ROI.thickness.fsaverage.mgh) , could some one guide me how i could
obtain such file.
I have 120 subjects and I have done recon-all for all subject
Dear all,
I have custom ROI mask ( MNI Space ) that i have prepared from Jülich
atlas , I would be like to obtain corresponding surface label file, Could
you please guide me necessary the steps that i have to follow inorder to
obtain corresponding label for my mask.
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Sir,
I have reviewed your journal which detailed about hippocampus parcellation
) of subfields ( HBT - Head/body/Tail) , could you please let me know how
to parti
> University College London
> *From: *Dev vasu
> *Date: *Monday, 2 July 2018 at 17:09
> *To: *"" , "
> Juan Eugenio Iglesias
> ERC Senior Research Fellow
> Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)
> University College London
> *From: *Dev vasu
> *Date: *Monday, 2 July 2018
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Sir,
I have another query if i use "export WRITE_POSTERIORS=1", will it generate
posterior CA1 and other substructures in the form as cited
, *
On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 8:30 PM
> --
> *From:* Dev vasu
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 3, 2018 12:22:27 AM
> *To:* Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: Anterior /
External Email - Use Caution
Dear All,
I have a problem with the Freesurfer hippocampal longitudinal segmentation
results , when i have done segmentation using following algorithm ( with no
anterior/posterior partitioning ( Head/
External Email - Use Caution
Dear All,
I have a problem with the Freesurfer hippocampal longitudinal segmentation
results , when i have done segmentation using following algorithm ( with no
anterior/posterior partitioning ( Head/
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I was trying to run recon-all, the pipeline terminated in middle now i
would like to know if there is any way i can restart it from the point
where it was terminated?.
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I am encountering following error whenever i re-rerun my recon-all on
cluster,,although i have downloaded new development version of
recon-all.makefile, this error persists,kindly let me know what i am doing
recon-all -make all -s /hom
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I have used Freesurfer pipeline for Thalamic Nuclei segmentation, the
results of segmentation appear to be very poor, i am annexing the results ,
please kindly review if there is any thing wrong with the segmentation
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I am trying to convert .mgz file to nii.gz using mri_convert command
mri_convert filename.mgz filename.nii.gz
but i am getting an error
"mri_convert: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I am having a difficulty in transforming the segmented subfields of
Amygdala atlas from surface based .mgz to nifti format.
I have extracted the labels using mri_extract_label
lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.nii.gz 7009 Cortico_amygloid.mgz
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I am having a difficulty in transforming the segmented subfields of
Amygdala atlas from surface based .mgz to nifti format.
I have extracted the labels using mri_extract_label
lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.v21.nii.gz 7009 Cortico_amygloid.mgz
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
Does recon_all -use-gpu only works for CUDA 5.0, is there any way to make
it work for CUDA 9.1.
Freesurfer mailing list
source is now compiled with C++ compilers, and I don’t know that
> anyone has tried building with cuda since we changed the compilers for
> freesurfer.
> - R.
> On Aug 30, 2019, at 11:39, Dev vasu
> wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear all,
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
How can i create .annot files for both left and right hemisphere from nifti
are there any specific guidelines or commands for surface based
parcellation ?
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I am using - openmp 30 to run recon-all, i see now change in the execution
time period.
Could you please highlight me a method to reduce the execution time for
recon-all, if possible some parallel script to do that same.
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
When i run recon-all , i am encountering an error transforms/ talairach.m3z
not found during registration phase, could some one please let me know how
to resolve this?.
External Email - Use Caution
Dear HCP team ,
Could you please let me know how i can configure CUDA 9.1 with freesurfer
6.0 or Freesurfer 5.3.0 -HCP
It is taking a long time by using openmp to run recon-all.
please let me know if you have any suggestions for parallelization.
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