Is it possible, with existing software, to extract signal changes at
vertices, voxels, or ROIs for single trials, rather than across
trials? This would allow an examination of intra-subject
variability in BOLD response, habituation effects, etc... Something
like this was done by: Ya
FDR correction for multiple comparisons gives you different p-values
for the left and right hemispheres. It seems really weird to report
in a paper:
a) that you've corrected for the right and left hemispheres
separately and
b) that the p-value that gave rise to a corrected probability o
Is the subcollosal gyrus included in the ACC label from the cortical
parcellation of Fischl, 2004? We are using the ACC label to
constrain Monte Carlo simulations to the ACC. A max vertex for an
ACC cluster has the annotation G_subcollosal, but is listed in the
We are using fsaverage as the template for overlaying our group fMRI
data. Which annotation file should we use for designating ROIs?
There seem to be two options: lh.aparc.a2005s.annot and
lh.aparc.annot. And which atlas is each annotation file derived from?
Thank you,
Thanks very much for the detailed info Karl (and Doug and Bruce)!
My primary ROI is ACC, so we'll probably use Aparc with the cingulate
divisions. I'll have to review the paper to see if the anatomic bases
of the divisions are described. I'm surprised, though, that there is
not an insula lab