[Freesurfer] Surface statistics for PET

2012-08-23 Thread Daniel Tarquinio
I would like to calculate average PET intensities for specific labels (using the aparc.annot label files). I have coregistered and used mri_vol2surf to assign PET values to the FS generated surface, and viewed the results using qsurfer. The next step is to take the values from the .w files an

[Freesurfer] Fwd: Surface statistics for PET

2012-08-26 Thread Daniel Tarquinio
eers > Bruce > On Sun, 26 Aug 2012, Daniel Tarquinio wrote: > >> Thank you Doug, that worked perfectly. >> Regarding the .w file, to view the functional data inflated I used this >> tutorial: >> http://poc.vl-e.nl/distribution/manual/fsl-3.2/freesurfer/index.html >