[Freesurfer] How to convert enhanced dicom format

2018-10-05 Thread Craggs, Jason G.
External Email - Use Caution Greeting, Our radiology department recently installed a Siemens Vida system. It apparently exports in "enhanced dicom” format, which doesn't work with any of my software. Does anyone know anything about this format? Cheers, Jason __

[Freesurfer] Adjusting statistical thresholds

2021-04-30 Thread Craggs, Jason G.
External Email - Use Caution Greetings, My lab is just starting to incorporate - Jason G Craggs, Ph.D. Assistant Professor SHP/Physical Therapy University of Missouri 801 Clark Hall Columbia, MO 65211-4250 Phone: 573-884-9345 http://secure-web.c

[Freesurfer] What’s your dream scanner, coil, peripherals combo?

2023-01-19 Thread Craggs, Jason G.
External Email - Use Caution Greetings, A Dean of Research is seeking input for a new research dedicated neuroimaging suite and asked me about about potential items. While I’m familiar with the setups I’ve used, I’m wondering what others would recommend if they could start from