ing on all OS),
> let me know. This is the command I use:
> cat $fsgdf | awk '{if ($1 != "fsid" && substr($1,0,1) != "#")
> printf("%s.long.%s\n", $1, $2)}'
> to generate the subjects id's from the table's first two colum
Hello All,
We are looking into alternative measures for whole brain volume to use for
covarying, and the previous topic mentioned mris_volume as a possibility
but it isn't located on the top of the aseg file. Has it been moved?
Chris McCarthy
Hey All,
I am trying to turn my long.qdec.table.dat into a cross.qdec.table.dat
using the following command:
long_qdec_table --qdec ./qdec/long.qdec.table.dat --cross --out
However, when I try and load it into QDEC afterwards I get the following
Loading data
are using and what
> OS version, also the version of Python)
> Thanks, Martin
> On 03/13/2013 08:20 AM, Christopher McCarthy wrote:
> Hey All,
> I am trying to turn my long.qdec.table.dat into a cross.qdec.table.dat
> using the following command:
Dear FreeSurfer Gurus,
We are looking for a way to normalize the intensity histogram for our
subjects. In the past we have used Brain Image Java, using FSL-Fast
inhomogeneity corrections. Unfortunately we are unable to open the output
files (.img, .hdr) in FreeSurfer. When trying to import the
Freesurfer Experts,
I am having lots of success, and making progress, with FreeSurfer thus far.
I have been able to load DICOMS into Slicer3 to reorient, and resample them,
after using FSL to extract the brain. Loading these brains into FreeSurfer
is straight forward, and I've run them through th