Dear Freesurfer experts,
During my recon-all I encountered a problem for one of my subjects, where the
process got stalled at "CORRECTING DEFECT 12 (vertices=21293, convex hull=1791)
XL defect detected...".
I've checked the output and it seems that skull-stripping hasn't been performed
Dear experts,
I recently finished processing a subject for whom I had performed a skullstrip
on the brainmask volume. I decreased the watershed parameter and re-examined
the brainmask and the portion of the skull was gone, although some dura was
left over. I did a recon-all using the following
Hi Bruce,
I performed the -autorecon-pial as a means of regenerating the surfaces as
instructed on the Freesurfer skull strip tutorial. The brainmask.mgz file does
not have the skull but it has some dura left over. The issue I had before was
that the skull would re-appear after the subject fin
Dear experts,
I recently finished processing a subject for whom I had performed a skull-strip
on the brainmask.mgz volume. I decreased the watershed parameter and re-examined
the brainmask and the portion of the skull was gone, although some dura was
left over. I did a recon-all using the fol
Hi Bruce and Emma,
I am running the latest version of Freesurfer, version 6.0. I will try manually
erasing the voxels then and try re-processing the subject.
Thank you so much for your help.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear experts,
After I erasing dura from my brain mask volume, I noticed that the white matter
volume still had dura when I clicked on it. Is it usually fine to only edit the
brain mask when we’re trying to erase the dura and regenerate the surfaces? The
dura on the white matter volume has both
Dear experts,
I'm currently trying to import some of my data into Qdec in order to perform a
group analysis on cortical thickness. All of my data was originally in an excel
sheet and it had the following variables (fsid, gender, age, and thickness). I
tried converting it into a file that would
Dear experts,
I’m currently performing quality control for my data, and most of my issues so
far have been that in many cases adding control points has not been able to
extend the white surface. I’ve also noticed that most of the regions where I
have needed to add CPs are in the parietal region
Dear experts,
I am trying to figure out the best way to overlay areas of low CVR reactivity
and correlate that with cortical thickness measurements in those given regions.
I was able to overlay our CVR map onto an inflated cortical surface in 3D and
modify the configuration to see areas of low
Hi all
I would like to use subfield specific hippocampus maps that were produced Dr
Iglesias's Lab:
These maps are available via FreeSurfer, however our lab is trying to segment
hippocampus subregions from already manually extracted
Dear experts,
When it comes to assessing the quality of fMRI integration in Freesurfer, is a
value of > 0.5 considered a good registration? I was led to believe that from
the multimodal tutorial website, and after checking the quality of my output I
was satisfied with the result for each of my
Dear experts,
I would like to create an average surface template of fMRI activation for two
groups, and then determine areas of low cerebrovascular reactivity in my
disease group, create a ROI, and extract the cortical thickness in this region
and see how it compares to a control group by tran
Hi Doug,
I am able to get up to the mrs_glmfit step of the Surface Based Group fMRI
Analysis, but it does not indicate how a comparison should be made between the
two groups that I have. It only gives information on how to perform a one
sample group mean test (osgm). In addition, when you menti
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Dear experts,
I'm about to start my cortical thickness analysis for my groups, and I was just
wondering what seems to be the consensus when it comes to using QDEC as opposed
to using the command line stream? I've seen QDEC used plentifully in the
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I’m having problems with one of my participants when I am trying to create the
base template for my longitudinal analysis. I get an error saying that the
input volume (norm.mgz) for my followup time-point cannot be opened, ev
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Dear experts,
For our study, we are planning on combining two different datasets to examine
cortical thickness. There is a slight difference in the inversion time (400 vs
650) and flip angle ( 8 vs 11) between the two datasets. I know that free
rh.thickness x rh.area)/(lh.area +rh.area)?
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | T2N 4N1, Canada
Tel: (403) 918-6970
the line
long.thickness-spc. Is there a way to bypass this problem somehow?
Thank you,
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | T2N 4N1, Canada
Tel: (403) 918-6970
order to see if I
should go with a DOSS approach, but using those contrasts still gives me the
same error.
Thanks for your help!
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | T2N 4N1, Canada
Tel: (403) 918
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Hi Doug,
Thank you for your reply.
My command was:
mri_glmfit.bin --y CAA_CTRL_RH.thickness.10.mgh --fsgd CAA_CTRL_RH_Age_Sex.fsgd
--C Contrasts/CAA-CTRL_Age_Sex.mtx --surf fsaverage rh --cortex --glmdir
My FSGD file
at the interactions
between group and age after controlling for sex etc. in order to see if I
should go with a DOSS approach, but using those contrasts still gives me the
same error.
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain
thickness after controlling for effects
of age and sex)
I’ve also attached the FSGD file that I’ve been using. Please let me know
if there is something wrong with the file (although I have used a similar file
without the covariates and did not have any issues).
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Hi Doug,
I realized this error a couple of days ago and now it works.
Thank you,
Freesurfer mailing list
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I am planning on running a correction for multiple comparisons, and I was
hoping to use a vertex wise cluster forming threshold of 1.3, however after
reading more when I ran the mri_glmfit-sim —help command it recommends using
the permutation
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | T2N 4N1, Canada
Tel: (403) 918-6970
Freesurfer mailing list
gests? I was just confused because
the code is different. I have a longitudinal table so I assumed that would be
enough, but do I still need to make a FSGD file that is basically the same as
the longitudinal file?
Thank you for your help,
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
was planning
on simply using contrasts i had designed before for my cross-sectional
analysis, controlling for age at baseline and gender.
Thanks and my apologies for all the questions!
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
with those from the other and one group has more participants than
the other. I will however use the the link you gave me to compute the
difference within one of my groups.
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Inst
colours that may confuse readers at first glance.
Thank you,
Arsenije Subotic | MSc Student
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary | T2N 4N1, Canada
Tel: (403) 918-6970
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