[Freesurfer] Tracula / 0 slices processed in Bedpostx before queuing post processing stage

2017-11-28 Thread Anna Mynick
Hi, I’m having difficulty making BedpostX work on non-tutorial data per the tutorial located here: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/RunningTracula The preprocessing has worked without errors, but now tha

[Freesurfer] TRACULA error "R: Subscript out of range"

2017-11-30 Thread Anna Mynick
Hi all, I’m trying to run TRACULA on a single subject’s data, but trac-all -prep is exiting with the output below. Most notably, I think, is the section of the output that says "R: Subscript out of range.” repeatedly and then the section afterwards that says “keeping frames 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

[Freesurfer] Reset view command in freeview

2017-12-11 Thread Anna Mynick
Hi all, I’m wondering whether there's a command-line equivalent to the the Reset View tool found in the Freeview GUI when you right-click a volume in 3d view. I tried using the -viewport tag (e.g. freeview -v myvolume.nii.gz -viewport coronal), but the problems with this are: (1) Though the ta

[Freesurfer] Custom color map in Freeview

2018-03-27 Thread Anna Mynick
Hi all, I’m wondering whether there’s a way to create a custom color map in Freeview that would operate as a alternative to the preset Greyscale, Heatmap, NIH, PET, Jet and GE Color options. Ideally, I could assign each number value a given color, e.g. every “0” value in an .nii file is black,

[Freesurfer] Register individual functional volume to MNI152

2018-05-04 Thread Anna Mynick
External Email - Use Caution Hi all, I’m having some trouble getting an an accurate registration between an individual functional volume and MNI152 space. Presently, I’m using the commands: bbregister --s MNI152_FS --mov volumeInFunctional --reg mniDir/filename2mni.lta --init

[Freesurfer] Compiling same-subject data across multiple scanning sessions

2018-11-05 Thread Anna Mynick
External Email - Use Caution Hi all, I'm wondering whether there's a way to compile same-subject data across multiple sessions into the same analysis. More specifically, I've run all my individual scanning sessions through preproc-sess (same subject, different scanning days)

[Freesurfer] Running selxavg with many (~5000) different conditions

2018-11-27 Thread Anna Mynick
External Email - Use Caution Hi, I'm currently running an analysis that requires defining each of 5000 stimuli as a condition during processing, and for each subject, I have about 140 runs. As a result, selxavg is taking a very long time and huge amounts of memory to run. F