Hi All,
This is my first time using the software. I have installed FreeSurfer on a Mac machine and everything installed fine. I obtained a license using the form and saved the four lines to a license.txt file in my FREESURFER_HOME
directory (/Applications/freesurfer on my computer). Yet w
n, 31 Aug 2015, Amlung, Michael wrote:
> Hi All,
> This is my first time using the software. I have installed FreeSurfer
> on a Mac machine and everything installed fine. I obtained a license
> using the form and saved the four lines to a license.txt file in my
> FR
printed to the terminal window
was a segmentation fault. Would someone be willing to help me interpret my log
file to find where the error occurred. Thanks for the assistance.
Michael Amlung
Michael Amlung, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of
connectivity with volume label
(Rodriguez-Thompson, Anais)
7. Automaticky: Jan Sanda is out of the office (a vr?t? se ne
13.9.2015) (jan.sa...@fnmotol.cz)
8. Re: mri_compute_volume_fractions not filling some sulci
properly (Bruce Fischl)
9. Help with recon-
We are getting an error with recon-all at the stage of Talairach slignment. The error is the one described on the known issues: Can't locate shellwords.pl in @INC. We are running
perl5.18, so I downloaded and installed perl5.12 and changed the first line of mritotal as indicated on the ReleaseN
We are getting an error with recon-all at the stage of Talairach slignment. The
error is the one described on the known issues: Can't locate shellwords.pl in
@INC. We are running perl5.18, so I downloaded and installed perl5.12 and
changed the first line of mritotal as indicated on the ReleaseNo
I was hoping someone could help with this issue...
Michael Amlung, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
DeGroote School of Medicine
McMaster University
Peter Boris Centre for Addictions Research
100 West
Web: http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/psychiatryneuroscience/AmlungMichael.html
Lab Website: Cognitive Neuroscience of Addictions Laboratory (CNALab)
-Original Message-
From: Amlung, Michael
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 9:03 AM
To: 'freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu'
Subject: Issue