via sudo.
Feel free to tar up the dicom folder and send it to me at our file drop.
On 05/23/2016 06:35 PM, Aloi, Joseph wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> I've attached the recon-all log for an analysis on a research subject
> that I successfully ran a few weeks ago and then the recon-all lo
Hi freesurfer experts,
I have recently begun to use freesurfer to do structural MRI analyses. I have
been able to successfully process about 40 structural scans with recon-all thus
far, but starting a few days ago, I started getting this error whenever I run
WARNING: file /Users/al
Hi Doug,
Yes, you are correct- data I have previously processed without any problems is
no longer being processed.
My version of freesurfer is 5.3.0; I only downloaded it a few weeks ago so I
have not changed my freesurfer version recently.
Joseph Aloi
Graduate Student, MD/PhD Schola
e previous correspondence otherwise we can't
keep track of the problem!
Eg, I don't have the previous email to see what the error was. Is it
possible that the disk filled up?
On 05/17/2016 09:49 AM, Aloi, Joseph wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Yes, you are correct- data I have pre
file that it is
having problems with is here
Do you really keep all your dicom files in that location?
On 05/17/2016 11:47 PM, Aloi, Joseph wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Sorry- I've added entire correspondence onto the end of this
Excellent, thank you! To do that, do I send an e-mail to the listserv with the
log files attached or do I use the filedrop?
yea, can you post the log file of both the successful and failing runs?
On 05/19/2016 11:28 AM, Aloi, Joseph wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> No that’s not how I usua