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Hello Freesurfer Developers,
I'm attempting to compare the cortical thickness values from the stats
(?h.aparc.stats) of a stack of subjects and compare them with fsaverage. With
aparcstats2table I did it for my subjects without problem, but the fsave
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Hello Freesurfer experts,
I’m analyzing subjects with a stroke in one hemisphere. Problem: recon-all
breaks and gives an error at the white matter segmentation, what I understand.
I don’t need the data from the lesioned hemisphere, I need the cortica
Parcellation given by the HCP-MMP1-Atlas between subjects. I searched the
archive and didn’t find the solution. It would be so great if you could help me!
Thank you and regards,
Alina Rojas
Freesurfer mailing list
explain how to go from GIFTI on
> fsaverage to .annot on the native meshes and extract the stats.
> Matt.
> On 7/14/20, 8:54 AM, "freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu on behalf of
> Alina Rojas" alinacol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>* External Email - Cau
my subject obtained with Freesurfer but with the
parcellation of the HCP-MMP1. Is there a document or a command where I can
correlate these values with the name/number of cortical area?
> Am 20.07.2020 um 11:32 schrieb Alina Rojas :
> Thank you, the ciftify was run suc
but after mri_vol2surf I get this message, I can’t visualize the ROI on the
surface. I I’m using Freesurfer 7.0.1. How can I solve this? Thank you, Alina
srcvol = M1_L.
lh.fsaverage.ROI_MNI.mgh —noreshape
tkmeditfv fsaverage lh inflated -overlay lh.fsaverage.M1_L.mgh -fthresh 0.5
I tried with another threshold, and to change it while in Freeview and it’s
either the whole surface with the overlay or none.
Thank you for your help!
Alina Rojas
> Am 16.11.2020 um