Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: 617-643-3215
Freesurfer mailing list
The information
ing process.
I was wondering if there was a way I could bypass this step and
modify the analysis to suit these newer needs, or will I have to
essentially make a new analysis based on my current one for this to
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
uld be pretty quick).
> doug
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Hi Doug and Freesurfers,
>> I am currently analyzing data acquired from the Sternberg memory
>> task, which involves memorizing sets of 1, 3, 5, and 7 letters. I
>> have created an analysis (see
preproc-sess -s MTH20100AA -fwhm 5 -per-run
I've run this set of commands many times without this problem, so did
something change or am I missing something simple?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
-0.5 0.5 0 0 0
0" is best.
Is this the best way to go about analyzing these two questions?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: 617-643-3215
-fold and the second timepoint 7-fold? If this is the case then this
analysis may not best represent what we are looking for.
Is there a way to modify the paradigm file so that the analysis can focus
on slope of the best fit line as opposed to the weighted average?
Adam Nitenson, B.S
on slope of the best fit line as opposed to the weighted average?
Forwarded from:
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: 617-643-3215
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
o quote my PI, "look at the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ROI data,
which will generate a single value for the average activation within the
right or left DLPFC for each subject, during each condition".
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
; >> >> ERROR: matlab
exited with errors
ERROR: cannot find spm_coreg.m. Make sure that the SPM package is in your
matlab path (check ~/matlab/startup) ERROR: spm_coreg"
I have unpacked several other subjects before using these same
commands without issues. Why might I be re
conditions with only 1 estimate for each. How do I generate multiple
estimates for each condition, and, even better, how can I incorporate
multiple conditions (3vFix, 5vFix, etc) into the same roisummary?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
t; Fax: 617-726-1351
> Email: swoodm...@partners.org
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
ultiplying by 100 to get % signal change.
Is this a valid method?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
PS Here are the commands I used if that helps:
func2roi-sess -roidef lh_dACC -analysis RM_correct_error -anatlabel
lh.dACC -maskcontrast error_vs_correct -
is func2roi the standby command
for such tasks?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
considered). Is there any way
to create a more automatic, streamlined hemodynamic response curve, or
are func2roi and roisummary the standard means of doing this?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Sorry for the double post (and, I suppose, the triple post as well) Only
consider the more recent email, and it's just a completed version of my
first one.
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer ma
ERROR: Read 14, expected 64
ERROR: converting output
Invalid null command.
ERROR: mc-sess failed
Any idea what might be going on? I've done these same steps many times for
processing data and have not before received this error.
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomic
o look at
> surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting for other ways to improve
> your bug reports. Also, please start to send these kinds of things to
> martinos-tech or the freesurfer list.
> thanks
> doug
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
ything wrong with it and did not try to regenerate it. Try
> deleting fmc.nii and re-running.
> doug
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> My original email was sent to the freesurfer list.
>> Here is the more detailed terminal info:
changes, but it only saved the default config.
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended on
cts/FB0011099AA/bold/015which seems
to halt the command
What is the best way to recover these files for this one BOLD folder?
Adam Nitenson
PS Here is the additional computer info:
FREESURFER_HOME: /usr/local/freesurfer/stable4
Build stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-v4.5.0
arch for FSGD on the wiki for more info.
> doug
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So far I have only been using Freesurfer analyses to look at the
>> functional activation for individuals, single groups, and subtractions
>> between 2 groups. W
exists. You must
specify whether to -skip or -overwrite
...even though that specific contrast does not yet exist within that folder.
Any ideas?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
timecourse plot
that can separate the data by groups that I can designate depending on
the type of anlaysis I wish to conduct?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
Yes, exactly...and if possible A1, A2, B1, and B2 simultaneously.
> Do you mean something like you have two conditions (say A and B) and two
> groups (say 1 and 2), you want to plot A1 and A2 instead of just A and B?
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Hello Freesurfers,
ts in each waveform.
> you can then run
> tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -t h.g1A.g1B.g2A.g2B.nii
> or tkmedit if these are volumes.
> doug
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Yes, exactly...and if possible A1, A2, B1, and B2 simultaneously.
>> -Adam
> tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -t h.g1A.g1B.g2A.g2B.nii
> or tkmedit if these are volumes.
> doug
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Yes, exactly...and if possible A1, A2, B1, and B2 simultaneously.
>> -Adam
>>> Do you mea
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
ame error. How can I
use that flag to divide 1 simulations into, say, 10 jobs with 1000
each (assuming I am understanding the purpose of the flag correctly).
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
e can
exclude runs if that SNR values falls below our designated threshold.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
> There should be an fsnr.dat file in the fsfast analysis directory with
> the value that you want.
> doug
> On 12/20/10 1:30 PM, Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Hello Freesurfers,
>> We are beginning to perform QC on our subjects and want
give me the
relevant data? My main concern is that I used "selxavg3-sess" instead
of "selxavg-sess" during processing; I'm not sure what the difference
between the two is, and I am hesitant to use a different command that
might change other aspects of our data.
mkanalysis-sess level?
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e
> you can't do it in stable4, but you can in stable 5.
> doug
> Adam Nitenson wrote:
>> Hello Freesurfers,
>> We are using the Sternberg Item Recognition Paradigm in our study,
>> which involves the memorization and recogniti
aexp 2.00
-timewindow 24.00
-prestim 4.00
Thank you,
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Freesurfer mailing list
data. Is there a way to get a tal output? I
noticed a -talres argument, but I wasn't sure if that was necessary.
Running the above command with the -hemis argurment seems to produce
lh.ces.nii, etc as in Stable 4.
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hos
ation as a function of
> condition
> From:"Douglas N Greve"
> Date:Tue, January 11, 2011 11:52 am
> To: "Adam Nitenson"
> --
> You don't need to re-unpack. you don't r
wondering what I needed to add/change to generate
data similar to what I did for Stable 4.
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: 617-643-3215
Freesurfer mailing list
specify a threshold (-thresh) with a contrast. This is the
> equivalent to the -min in funcroi-sess. There was a bug in
> funcroi-config that prevented it from catching that you did not specify
> a threshold (which has been fixed now).
> thanks
> doug
> Adam Nite
g -sf
funcroi-table-sess -roi MTH_7vFix_DLPFC.roicfg -sf
-c Cond7vFix -o /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/DLPFC_ROI_7vFix_MTH
Adam Nitenson
dd that the commands for both would
simultaneously terminate.
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: 617-643-3215
Freesurfer mailing list
--surf fsaverage lh --fwhm 4.6
Adam Nitenson, B.S.
Brain Genomics Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: 617-643-3215
Freesurfer mailing list
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