I checked the listserv history, but couldn't find an answer to my question:
With the 2009 parcellation scheme, 1) does the planum temporale
parcellation include the posterior ascending ramus (which Destrieux et al.
2010 seems to imply) and 2) does the planum temporale include the posterior
We have data from 200 college students using Freesurfer 4.5 Mac 10.6.8.
We looked at both surface area and volume asymmetries. For surface area
for Triangularis, there is a small leftward asymmetry averaged over the
whole sample. 113 participants have leftward asymmetry and 85 have
rightward as
I'm trying to run LGI. We have the 2012 version of matlab and the image
processing toolbox. I've looked at several threads dealing with path
issues, but have been unable to fix my problem.
I think our problem is that when I run "recon-all -s ucr001_4-11 -localGI"
it seems to start up pro
I am using Qdec to analyze thickness (etc) using various IVs (e.g., Verbal
IQ) while controlling for cortical grey matter volume (or ICV) as a nuisance
factor. With the exception of the IV Sex, every time I run the analysis it
goes into an endless loop, sporadically stating that the "Matri
Instead of using Freesurfer's averaged brain in qdec, I ran the following
command to create an average of our participants:
recon-all -s [subject] -qcache target avgsub
While running, it reported the following for every subject:
Error: could not open file
I have run into an error while trying to make an average subject using 200
When I ran this command I got an error:
*make_average_subject --xform talairach.xfm --out 200avgsub --subjects*
The error:
Allocing output
mri_concat(40491) malloc: *** mmap(size=262144) failed (error code=