Although new to Freesurfer, I have in the past been able to save points on
tkmedit and bring them up on an inflated tksurfer image. However, now this
is not happening. When I click on Save Point or go to Tools>Save Point in
tkmedit, no coordinates are brought up in the tkmedit Terminal window. So
Is it possible to reconstruct an MRI such that the images in tkmedit are
perpendicular to the axis of a particular region such as in my ROI the
temporal pole? As I see them the tkmedit MRIs are oblique slices with the
dorsal regions appearing caudally on the tksurfer (volumetric) images
relative t
Here's what I did:
1) mris_convert ?h.inflated file.asc
2) extract vertices of interest into file2.asc
Here is what I want to do:
I want to import the vertices from file2.asc into tksurfer and apply
the *path_new_path_from_marked_vertices
*function so that I can then create a label. How
Can you elaborate on what you mean by making a label "out of the interior?"
Also, how would you make a label from my list?
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Do the vertex numbers mean anything significant or can they be any number?
Also, it appears that there are two different sets of vertices in an
mris_convert asc file of ?h.inflated. What are these vertices and what do
they mean?
Freesurfer mailing l
So far I have been able to take my ?h.inflated file and turn it into a label
file from my vertices of interest. That is, what I thought are my vertices
of interest, namely a closed path around the caudal temporal pole. Given
one vertex point I manually choose I want to generate a list of v