I have a large set of images previously run in FreeSurfer 5.0. I'm also
preparing to run a new batch of images and debating whether to use 5.3 or stick
with 5.0. If I updated all the old datasets to 5.3, would I need to visually QC
them a second time, or are the versions similar enough t
I had a question about Sabuncu et al. 2012
(http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/11/2653.long), in which the
authors generated a series of ROIs related to incipient Alzheimer's disease:
"Based on the resulting statistical maps, we delineated seven regions of
interest (ROIs) on th
>From the standard "fsaverage" subject, I'm trying to map a series of labels
>(?h.oasis.chubs.*) to a group of my own subjects. My end goal is to create
>summary files equivalent to ?h.aparc.stats for each subject. For sample
>commands, I've been looking at the "BA label" section of a su