[Freesurfer] Extracting cortical thickness from a sphere with different coordinates for different participants.

2024-08-26 Thread Michel , Léa
External Email - Use Caution Hi everyone, I'm working on a dataset where T1 scans were taken before the patients went under surgery. During the procedure, a small, non-pathological brain tissue sample was resected from the temporal cortex. The sample, extracted 4cm from the ant

[Freesurfer] Combining masks mri_binarize

2024-08-26 Thread Sorby-Adams, Annabel
Hi Freesurfers! I am trying to merge a L and R hippocampal mask derived from fsl FIRST. I have binarized the masks (using the --match flag) but when I try to merge them (mri_binarize --i --merge --min --max --o ) but the output merged mask is blank. Should I be specifying the min/max differe

Re: [Freesurfer] petsurfer questions - No PVC stats file in the similar format as gtm.stats.dat

2024-08-26 Thread Sneha Pandya
External Email - Use Caution A] I am running mri_gtmpvc on our data and need to extract stats data that is in the similar format as gtm.stats.dat file from non-pvc corrected PET data, in the sense getting mean regional uptake from non-pvc PET data alongside region names, volumes

[Freesurfer] FSGD Error

2024-08-26 Thread Recht, Grace Owen
External Email - Use Caution Hello there, I am attempting to run the runGLMs.sh script and I am receiving the error message: ERROR: gdfRead: reading is not formatted properly. The first string is ‘GroupDescriptorFile’, should be ‘GroupDescriptorFile’ It looks like the .fsgd fi