External Email - Use Caution
I am a PhD candidate in neurosciences at the University of Geneva, I would like
to use Freesurfer on my VirtualBox to benefit from the interface between FS and
BrainVisa. I write you to ask for the pass code.
Thanks a lot !
External Email - Use Caution
Dear support team,
After installing Freeview, I tried to load a volume, while checking how it
works with samples, from the subject folder in the Freesurfer folder.
Unfortunately after choosing the file, Freeview crashed out and popped up
an error messa
External Email - Use Caution
Hello Freesurfer Team,
I recently ran analysis to compare change in cortical thickness between an
Intervention and Control group longitudinally. The contrast is set up as
INT-CON, and therefore I would interpret a positive change as the intervention