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I want to register PET to T1 MRI using FSL dof12
then I want to extract the SUV.
I would like you to help me on these lines
Firstly I converted my MRI named ADNI.nii T1 to min305 space then I applied
recon-all. The output is the Folder ADNI
Then I w
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Hello FreeSurfer Develops,
I'm attempting to run recon-all on two single subject with T1.
However, I got the following error message for subject respectively:
ERROR : mri_ca_register
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Are there special flags. There are differences between autorecon1 for both
pipeline. Does 7.2 update some of the files like for instance the T1.mgz do
to differences in the normalizations.
On Sun, Jun 19, 2022, 3:55 PM Douglas N. Greve
> You s
no special flags. 7.2 will update all of the files, it should preserve
all your edits though
On 6/21/2022 7:21 AM, Aaron Tanenbaum wrote:
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Are there special flags. There are differences between autorecon1 for
both pipeline. Does 7.2 update some of the file
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Hi Doug,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Yes, it's very weird. My LUT doesn't contain any subcortical structures but
when I load my custom LUT into Freeview, it shows my surface-based
parcellation in the subcortical regions. Furthermore, my annotation
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Hi Yujing,
It seems that this did not solve the issue. Are there any other reasons why
this would occur?
On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 2:59 PM Benjamin Deck wrote:
> Hi Yujing,
> Thank you. I will give it a try! Can documentation be updated?
> Be
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Hi Doug,
I think I may have found a similar issue via the mailing list which I
hadn't noticed before. However, it's not clear to me how to implement this