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Dear all,
This is my first attempt to analyze longitudinal structural data with
freesurfer, and I just do my best to follow the tutorial. I have some
things not clear, so any help would be appreciated.
We have a longitudinal study design with 2 groups
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Hello Freesurfer Experts,
I am currently attempting to process a single subject via Tracula v7.2.
Previously, I used v6.0 to process this same dataset through all three steps of
Tracula (prep, bedp, and path) with equivalent parameters with no errors
Hi all,
We are trying to run recon-all with -localGI but running into an unknown
permission denied error:
$ recon-all -s sub-1001 -localGI
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I found out that some had made duplicated copy of the same dicom serie and I
sorted it out with dcm2niix.
Best Regards
Knut Jørgen
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
on behalf of Douglas N. Greve
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Hi there
I have this issue occurring in several hemispheres (See images attached) where
a “sulcus” is created because the pial crosses where it shouldn’t, and am
wondering what the best way to edit this is. I don’t think it is a matter of
adding WM
From: Talley, Edmund (NIH/NINDS) [E]
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 1:08 PM
To: Talley, Edmund (NIH/NINDS) [E]
Subject: Neurotechnology Job Opportunity for the BRAIN Initiative
External Email - Use Caution
I’m writing with information on a rare opening for a Neurotechnology Progra
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Sorry about that!
I'm resending with previous emails.
The first message below is the one you didn't know how to respond to because
you didn't have the previous e-mails.
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Dear Freesurfer developers,
I realised some of my recon-alls been processed with the following error:
ERROR: input(s) cannot have multiple frames!
/Users/mac_01/Desktop/1155_401/mri/orig/001.mgz has 2 frames
(I have attached the recon-all.log)